Sunday, February 15, 2009

I Love My Wife

Last night was Valentines day and Michele and I decided to go out. If any of you know our situation right now, we aren't exactly rolling in the $, but we are making it work. So about a week ago when we discussed going out, we shuffled though our cup of cards and found two gift certificates that we had forgot about. One to the Cambridge House, a cool little bar/restaurant downtown Grand Rapids and we found a gift certificate to the movies. SCORE! The date was set. My wonderful Mother-in-law came in and took Avery for the evening and we went out. As I sat across from my wife I found myself staring at her and thought, "I am the luckiest guy in this place. I have found my soulmate." We both know that we aren't perfect but together she makes me perfect.

Now, I know my guy friends are probably gagging right now and thinking of how they are going to give me some serious crap, but I'm not saying that our life as a couple is always perfect. There are some times when Michele and I probably could ring each others neck...probably her ringing mine more than the other way but still, it happens. I just think that we have figured out one of the secrets to attempting to stay healthy as a couple and that is...talking to each other. I know...simple...but it seems to me that I have seen several marriages seriously suffer due to the lack of this simple action. We need attention from the ones we love and they need the same. Of course us guys are a bit different on the talking front, but each person needs to express themselves or the deal is going to go south at some point in time. There is a ratio of "not talking about it" placed against the duration of time that passes that you "don't talk about it" that equals the severity of the final confrontation of the subject. Don't think you can just sweep it under the rug...the subject, whatever it is will come up eventually. Discuss it early on (and tactfully...very important) and maybe there is some awkwardness/uncomfortableness that is over pretty quick after that, or attempt to discuss it after a 7 year buildup and see how that goes. I'll take a short awkwardness/uncomfortableness for a couple hours as apposed to never being able to work it out due to layers and layers of built up issues.

I want to spend the rest of my life with Michele. She told me last night that I am the cheese to her macaroni (we both know it's from Juno) but still cute. I will do whatever I can to make our lives happy and healthy and I will continue it today by declaring that I love this woman through thick and thin. I will always try my best to keep the lines of communication open with her and I know she feels the same.

We have talked about it.

Talk to you all soon,

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